SEEDS Asia English website

History of SEEDS Asia

(As of January 2017)

2006 May Established
May Capacity building project for reconstruction after earthquake started in Pakistan (until Apr. 2007)
Sep. Gained NPO status
2007 Nov. Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) project in coastal areas started in Maldives (until May 2009)
Dec. Started community-based DRR project in Afghanistan (until May 2009)
2008 Jan. Newsletter vol.1issued. Continued up to now
Jun. Relief project after Cyclone Nargis started in Myanmar. DRR projects are contined up to now
Jul. Capacity building project on development of DRR contents for mass media started in Maldives (until May 2009)
Oct. DRR education for school teachers started in affected area by earthquake in central Java, Indonesia (until Sep. 2009)
2009 May Mobile Knowledge Resource Center (MKRC) and Water Knowledge Resource Center (WKRC) developed for DRR education project in Myanmar (continued till now, Jun. 2017)
Jul. Newsletter vol.10 issued
2010 Jan. DRR education project started in affected area of earthquake, west Sumatra island in Indonesia (until Dec. 2010)
Mar. DRR education project started in central Vietnam (until Dec.2015)
2011 Jan. Newsletter vol. 20 issued
Mar. “Situation Report” issued to update situation of affected areas after the Great East Japan Earthquake (up to vol. 17 issued in Jul. 2011)
Apr. Emergency needs/damage assessment in affected areas of the Great East Japan Earthquake conducted, and results shared on website
May MKRC developed in Pakistan, and DRR education project for school and local communities started (until Apr. 2012)
Jun. Relief activities in affected areas of the Great East Japan Earthquake started (ongoing as of  Jun. 2017)
Aug. Training program on community based DRR conducted in Japan for officials of Vietnam Government (conducted again in 2012)
Oct. Training program on DRR conducted in Japan for officials of Myanmar Government (conducted again 2012)
2012 Jul. Booth set up in associated event of World Ministerial Conference on Disaster Reduction in Tohoku, to introduce activities of SEEDS Asia
Jul. Subcontracted JICA Training program “Raising Awareness of Disaster Reduction”
Oct. Newsletter vol. 30 issued
Dec. Subcontracted JICA Training program “ Community-based Disaster Risk Management”
 2013  Sep. DRR Activity Center project started in Myanmar (continued till now Jun. 2017)
2014 Jun. Emergency response operated in Cebu, The Philippines affected by Typhoon Yolanda
Jul. Newsletter vol. 40 issued
Oct DRR education project started in affected area of  Typhoon Yolanda   Cebu in The Philippines  (continued till now Jun. 2017)
2015 Jan. Establishment of National Disaster Management Training Center project started in Myanmar (continued till now Jun. 2017)

Mobile Knowledge Resource Center (MKRC) project started in Makati, The Philippines (continued till Feb. 2016)

Mar. Booth set up in associated event of the 3rd World Ministerial Conference on Disaster Reduction, to introduce activities of SEEDS Asia
Apr. Emergency response and Reconstruction support conducted in Nepal (continued till now Jun. 2017)
Aug. Flood emergency response operated in Myanmar
Oct. DRR and Climate Changes education project started in Varanasi, India(continued till now Jun. 2017)
Nov. Subcontracted JICA training program “Promotion of Mainstreaming DRR”  (conducted again 2016)
2016 Feb. Emergence Response to the affected by large fire in Myanmar
Mar. Newsletter vol. 50 issued
Apr. community-based DRR project started in North Dhaka, Bangladesh (continued till now Jun. 2017)

DRR education project started in Tamba (continued till now Jun. 2017)

May Emergency response and Reconstruction support conducted in Kumamoto (continued till now Jun. 2017)
Sep. Celebrated 10th anniversary
2017 Jun. Projects being implemented in The Philippines, Bangladesh, Myanmar, India, Nepal and Japan (Kesennuma, Tamba, Uki City) as of Jun. 2017
