SEEDS Asia English website

network meeting attended by the representatives of CS and these of societies [India]

In the Varanasi project in collaboration with Banaras Hindu University, climate schools (CS) have been formed climate schools (CS) as the focal point of disaster risk reduction education/climate change education and five societies, which CSs are located, have been selected to promote the community-based disaster risk reduction (DRR).
On 24th September, a network meeting was organized where the representatives of CS and these of societies attended, inviting a representives of the Natoinal Disaster Responce Force. Since this was the meeting to finalise the first phase of three-year project, we shared each organization’s DRR activities, which were conducted in the event of floods in July, and reviewed our achievements. Moreover, we discussed actions, which we should take for further development. Various opinions and ideas were proposed about how to strengthen the collaboration between schools and communities. For example, as CS students issue Prahari, a student climate newspaper, they will interview community members with regard to their knowledge and experience on DRR. The network meeting turned out to be an excellent opportunity to prepare for the project’s second phase.




