SEEDS Asia English website

The fruit of Community DRR work [Bangladesh]

May 17 at 2am, fire caused by cigarette broke out in an apartment in Monipuripara community area, one of the model communities of SEEDS Asia’s Bangladesh project. Neighbors started screaming with panic and building caretaker as well as people in the area got to know about the incidents. Mr. Rony, a member of Monipuripara community who attended SEEDS Asia’s DRR leader training, got the news and rushed to the spot with a fire extinguisher which the community purchased after the training and kept in community office, and he successfully put out the fire. There was no fire extinguisher in the affected building. It was after 20 minutes that Fire service reached. Were it not for the quick response by Rony, it could have been a big disaster. Rony says “I didn’t know what to do in case of fire until I took part in SEEDS Asia’s leader training. I’m glad I could help. From this experience I feel the importance of preparedness even more strongly.” The building owner decided to place fire extinguishers at every floor and work on DRR awareness with the Monipuripara community.
