SEEDS Asia English website

DRRM manuals for pilot schools [Philippines]

SEEDS Asia’s JICA-funded project in Cebu, the Philippines has encouraged its Pilot Schools to develop their own customized safety inspection manuals and disaster response manuals since 2017. Despite the suspension of printing operation by the printer company due to quarantine, on 10th July, the manual were printed and delivered as the project’s final output, after a series of discussions and development.
SEEDS Asia visited the Department of Education Region VII (the staff’s visit was undertaken under strict quarantine conditions) and handed over the manuals to Mr. Ranilo Edar, the Regional Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Coordinator. Though the project was concluded last month, it is hoped that the manuals will continue to enable the Pilot Schools and other schools in the country to implement disaster risk reduction and management in the future.
Let us express our sincerest gratitude to all of the people who have cooperated and supported SEEDS Asia to make this initiative possible. We shall continue our efforts for more resilient Asia, and your continued guidance is appreciated.