SEEDS Asia English website

Opening event for community hub in Naganuma district [Nagano/Japan]

On 1st June, an event to launch the newly established residents’ community hub was organized in Naganuma district, Nagano city. Naganuma was seriously impacted by the flood brought about by a dike break along the Chikuma river during the Typhoon Hagibis in 2019. This pre-fab hub has several functions including dissemination of information about the construction progress of the “disaster risk reduction station” which is expected to serve as a river management office, and as a gathering place of residents.
Mr. Yamazaki, chair of the Naganuma District Community Council expressed his expectation that this hub would facilitate communication among residents, while – in these pandemic times – would avoid close contact in an enclosed place, as the hub secures wider space indoors. Mr. Yanamisawa, chair of the Naganuma District Disaster Planning Committee, also showed his appreciation to the efforts made to realize this hub by stating, “We have been requesting to the government that a place be built for shared data on the progress of the construction in our neighborhood, and for the residents to randomly drop by to greet each other.”
Through the setting up of this hub, SEEDS Asia hopes to organize meetings and events, utilizing this place. We cannot help but hope that this community hub will encourage the community members to strengthen their connectivity.